Youth policy in the New Uzbekistan

    Columnists 22 March 2024 8503

    The development of each country has its own aspects and units of measurement.

    Demographic processes are one of them. From this point of view, it will not be an exaggeration to say that Uzbekistan is a country with a bright future. Because about 70 percent of our country's population is young people. Of course, this is a great power and opportunity. In our country, special attention is paid to supporting youth. A striking example of this, in particular, is the announcement of 2024 as the “Year of Youth and Business Support.” Moreover, this made me very happy, like all the young people of Uzbekistan. He gave strength and courage to us, young people.

    In fact, in the past 2023, young people were supported in every possible way. 396 thousand young people who needed special attention from the state were assigned to official leaders. Through individual work with them, 94 thousand people were provided with employment, and 56 thousand people were trained in professions. The number of types of assistance provided through the “Youth Register” has been increased to 30, the processing time for applications has been reduced from 30 days to 5 days. On the recommendation of youth leaders, assistance was provided to 338 thousand boys and girls in the amount of 444 billion sums. In particular, students’ contract funds were paid and the costs of teaching foreign languages ​​and modern professions were covered. Tools for work were distributed to unemployed youth. The “Youth Employment Program” was implemented in every microdistrict. Employment was provided for 236 thousand unemployed men and women and 189 thousand school graduates. The “Olympiad of Five Initiatives” was held in 4 areas - district, school, vocational education and the university system, in total 12 million young people took part in it. 623 sports grounds were built in the winning microdistricts. 2 million young people were involved in “Zakovat” and other intellectual games.

    We were glad that work in this direction which will be consistently continued in 2024 and many new initiatives in the field of youth policy will be implemented. This year, a new approach to working with youth will be introduced in every region, ministry and departmental system. On the recommendation of the youth leader, the types of assistance provided will be transformed, and the main attention will be paid to training in modern professions. In order to develop the abilities, interests and talents of children, as well as to fully support them, it was proposed to create a children's organization of Uzbekistan. The need to improve scientific and analytical work on studying youth problems and training promising personnel was noted.

    Measures will be taken to reach 1 million young people learning foreign languages ​​through the Ibratfarzandlariproject, and 1.5 million young readers through the Mutolaa program. For this purpose, additional infrastructure will be built in the regions, broader conditions will be created for the meaningful organization of young people’s free time and the realization of their talent.

    Today, at the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, the primary organization of the Youth Union and the volunteer center strongly support the youth initiative. In particular, the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute organizes meaningful free time for young people with spiritual and educational activities, intellectual and educational projects, sports competitions, reading and volunteer activities. Talented students take pride of place at institute, regional, republican and international Olympiads and are duly encouraged.

    The theater studio of the Ziyo Institute took an honorable 1st place among more than 10 universities in the region and took part in the regional stage. In sports, 6 students won the World Championship, 12 won the Asian Championship, 42 won the Uzbekistan Championship. 267 students studying at the institute have a level of proficiency in a foreign language, and it is gratifying that 2 of them received a score of 8 or higher in English according to the international IELTS assessment level. Also, Jumaeva Gulrukhsar, a student at the Faculty of Foreign Language and Literature: English, became the only winner of a grant from the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan among higher educational institutions in the Bukhara region. Five of our students were found worthy of this state scholarship.

    In short, today each of us is witnessing the creation of ample opportunities for the education of students and youth in our country. For this, we, the youth, express gratitude to our President and promise that we will justify the trust placed in us by our President.

    Rustamjon Rakhimboev,

    Member of the Youth Parliament

    at the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis,

    Assistant to the Rector of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute