Projects on the development of medical tourism will be implemented between Uzbekistan and China

    Tourism 7 June 2024 1228

    Today, Uzbekistan and the People's Republic of China are conducting large-scale joint work to further strengthen tourism ties, increase bilateral tourist exchange and effectively use the opportunities of new tourism destinations developing in our country.

    In particular, it is necessary to harmoniously develop medical and wellness tourism and double the proportion of people coming for treatment from abroad. An important place is occupied by traditional medicine, which, in terms of quality, safety and effectiveness in ensuring public health, providing health care, prevention and treatment of various, especially chronic diseases, has been tested in practice.

    Therefore, systematic work is being established with China on the development of traditional medicine, the implementation of a number of projects and the use of Chinese experience to provide quality services to those who come to our country for medical purposes.

    On June 6, Tashkent hosted a conference on trade and economic cooperation between China (Xi'an) and Uzbekistan in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

    It was attended by Wang Jigang, Deputy Head of the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China, Jamshid Mirrakhimov, head of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Folk Medicine under the Ministry of Health, as well as representatives of the Tourism Committee, the Khokimiyat of the Tashkent region and a number of interested organizations.

    "We are impressed by the results achieved by Uzbekistan in the development of medical tourism. It is very important to use the potential of traditional medicine, to create opportunities for informed choice in terms of taking care of their health for both local residents and foreigners. In this sense, we have agreed to cooperate in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. We are currently implementing a number of projects for the bilateral exchange of experience," said Wang Jiwei, Deputy Head of the Central Committee of Xi'an City.

    Following the event, an agreement on trade and economic cooperation between China (Xi'an) and Uzbekistan in the field of traditional Chinese medicine was signed.

    For reference, more than 60 thousand foreign tourists were treated in 86 sanatoriums and medical institutions of our country last year. It is planned to increase this figure several times by the end of this year. Recall that now the costs of private clinics for obtaining an international certificate, participation in foreign exhibitions are covered by the budget. Value-added tax is refunded for foreigners visiting clinics.