Feb 26, 2025

    Weather forecast for December 14th

    Environment 14 December 2024 1020

    Rain in places this afternoon, precipitation in the north (rain, snow). In the Tashkent and Syrdarya regions, light rain is possible in places in the evening. There is no precipitation in the Surkhandarya region and the regions of the Ferghana Valley. The wind is 7-12 m/s, in places it may increase to 13-18 m/s. The temperature is 7-12° C, up to 15°C in places, 2-7 °C in the north.

    According to the Uzhydromet service, there is no precipitation in the capital, only a light rain is possible in the evening. The wind is 3-8 m/s. The temperature is 12-14°C.

    There is snow in places in mountainous areas, and fog is possible. The wind is 7-12 m/s, in places it may increase to 13-18 m/s. The temperature is 0-5°C.

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