Feb 17, 2025

    More than 100 Zarafshan junipers have been cut down in Dehkanabad district

    104 Zarafshan juniper trees have been illegally cut down on the territory of the Dehkanabad State Forestry under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change.

    In particular, 3 Zarafshan jungles were cut down by citizen K.M. on the territory of the 4th department of forestry "Duob". According to this fact, a fine was imposed on the violator and the amount of compensation for damage to forestry in the amount of 51 million 810 thousand soums was assigned. A statement of claim was filed with the Guzar Interdistrict Civil Court on this fact. Administrative fines were also imposed on the former head of the 4th forestry department of Duob and the forester for non-performance of official duties.

    In addition, it was established that 38 Zarafshan juniper trees had been cut down by unknown persons in the same area. A repeated administrative fine was imposed on forester H.E., the damage caused to forestry is estimated at 94 million 387 thousand 500 soums. A statement of claim has also been filed with the Guzar Interdistrict Civil Court.

    In addition, 6 Zarafshan juniper trees were illegally cut down in the border area of the 3rd department of Forestry "Duob". The damage caused to forestry amounted to 41 million 400 thousand soums. Administrative penalties were imposed on the forester of the department of R.B., and the case materials were sent to the court.

    In addition, in the same area, the fact of illegal logging of 8 Zarafshan juniper trees (the amount of damage is 25 million 387 thousand 500 soums) was established by citizen H.A. An administrative fine was imposed on the violator, the case materials were sent to the Guzar interdistrict court.

    At the same time, 49 trees of Zarafshan juniper were illegally cut down by unknown persons on the territory of forestry. As a result, the damage caused to nature amounted to 176 million 587 thousand 500 soums, the materials were transferred to the prosecutor's office of the Dehkanabad district to recover the damage.

    In total, 104 Zarafshan jungles were cut down on the territory of the Duob Forestry. In these cases, the issues of determining the measures of responsibility of those responsible for negligent attitude to official duties in the circumstances are being considered.

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