INHA University in Tashkent hosted an event for girls about Stem education and professions for women, organized by UNDP

    Education 30 November 2023 1979

    Acting Permanent Coordinator of the United Nations in Uzbekistan Consuelo Vidal Bruce, Acting Permanent Representative of UNDP in Uzbekistan Ram Iyer, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Shahlo Turdikulova and Rector of INHA University in Tashkent Muzaffar Jalalov delivered welcoming speeches.

    UNDP reveals key ideas on empowering girls and women in STEM education and professions in Uzbekistan. The laboratory of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Uzbekistan presented the results of its research prepared within the framework of the gender equality project.

    A study was conducted in the city of Tashkent, Ferghana, Andijan and Surkhandarya regions, the purpose of which is to identify factors that positively influence the choice of STEM education and professions by girls and women.

    Sh.Turdikulova addressed the participants of the event with a motivational speech:

    - Get an education, work on yourself and develop. No one can take away these skills from you. If you set a clear goal for yourself, it will be easy to overcome difficulties. The position is given to us temporarily, but the knowledge will always be with us. Therefore, use all the opportunities that are provided to you, and do not be afraid of anything.