Ferghana ranks second in the development of foreign investments

    Investments 26 September 2022 1056

    On September 19-24, the working group of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis studied the ongoing work on the implementation of investment projects and the development of entrepreneurship in the Fergana region.

    The results of the study were discussed with the participation of Khokim of the region Khairulla Bozorov, Chairman of the Senate Commission on Promoting the Revitalization of Representative authorities in the field, head of the working group Tolibjon Madumarov, senators, deputies, relevant deputy khokim of the region, heads of the secretariat and departments, heads of state and public organizations involved in the issue of the agenda.

    According to the report of the Senate working group, it was noted that the work carried out to attract investment funds to the region and launch investment projects, provide employment and improve the standard of living of the population through the development of entrepreneurship was highly appreciated.

    In particular, the Ferghana region, which ranks second in the country in terms of foreign investment, demonstrates an average annual growth rate of 50% on average.

    To date, the total number of registered enterprises with the participation of foreign capital in the region is 568. Based on the conclusion of the world's most authoritative international rating agency "S&P Global Rating" (USA), a credit rating of "B+", that is, "stable", was assigned for stable financial indicators and high economic potential of the region. In total, 91 small and youth industrial zones have been created in the region.

    The region ranks 1st in the country in the export of agricultural products and 3rd in the export of industrial goods. This was discussed at the meeting.

    Attention was also focused on the formation of regional investment projects and their implementation, localization of imported products, development of the service sector, promotion of women's entrepreneurship, creation of new jobs.

    The report of the deputy khokim of the region Ikboljon Ergashev on urgent tasks was heard and measures were agreed to solve the identified problems at the level of the republic, region and territories, the information service of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan reports.