The President of WADA highly appreciated the opportunities and priorities of Uzbekistan in the anti-doping sphere

    Sports 23 May 2024 1106

    Within the framework of the 19th intergovernmental meeting of the Ministries of Sports of Asia and Oceania of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the guests and participants of which are hosted by our capital, a meeting was organized between officials of our country and the leadership of WADA. A number of issues related to mutual cooperation in the fight against doping were discussed at the event.

    The meeting was attended by the head of the Department of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan Odil Abdurakhmanov, representatives of WADA headed by Witold Bankoy, Minister of Sports Adham Ikramov, Secretary General of the NOC Oybek Kasimov, Director of the National Anti-Doping Agency of Uzbekistan Abdushukur Sadikov.

    Odil Abdurakhmanov gave detailed information to the audience about the work carried out by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to promote the opportunities of the New Uzbekistan on the world stage through sports, support and development of physical culture and sports among the population. In turn, Adham Ikramov and Oybek Kasimov spoke about the preparation of domestic athletes for the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games and the conditions created by the state.

    It is worth noting that our country is hosting a prestigious Meeting of this scale for the first time, as well as the leadership of WADA is visiting our country for the first time. Witold Banka noted that as the results of Uzbek athletes grow in the international arena, specialists in this field also gain experience, our compatriots achieve great success.

    During the meeting, which took place in a friendly atmosphere, the parties exchanged views on further increasing the number of international doping officers from Uzbekistan, training qualified personnel and holding many similar international events in the future.