Russian scientists have created a bone repair gel with 100% identity

    Science 23 May 2024 2311

    Specialists of the Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation have developed a unique gel for regeneration, which allows you to completely restore bone tissue, including after large shrapnel and bullet wounds.

    The drug consists of a complex nutrient mixture enhanced with regeneration activators.

    "This approach triggers an internal recovery mechanism in the body. This occurs through the synthesis of osteophytes by their own cells (growths from bone tissue). There are no registered analogues in the world anymore," said Dmitry Kompantsev, Head of the Department of Drug Technology at the Pyatigorsk branch of the VolGMU Ministry of Health of Russia.

    The gel for filling bone defects is not only convenient for the surgeon's work, but also provides deeper penetration into hidden cavities, close contact with damaged tissues.

    The development can be used in operations on bone tissues of the maxillofacial region, as well as to fill in defects of bone and cartilage tissues in dentistry and surgery.