Uzbek athletes will receive a scholarship for winning the Olympic and Paralympic Games

    Sports 6 December 2023 1644

    The Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports has approved the Regulation on the procedure for the appointment and payment of scholarships of the Ministry (reg. No. 3479 dated 04.12.2023).

    The scholarship in the form of monthly payments is given to athletes included in the main or reserve team of the national teams of Uzbekistan in sports included in the program of the Olympic, Paralympic, Asian and Para-Asian Games, who took places according to the appendix to the Regulations.

    The rules of the Regulation do not apply to athletes who are assigned lifetime monthly payments for winning medals at the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

    The Ministry's Commission on Scholarships:

    • compiles a list of athletes-candidates for a scholarship, represented by the republican centers for sports Development and the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan;
    • verifies the accuracy of information about athletes and their compliance with the criteria;
    • decides on the assignment of scholarships to athletes or the termination of their payment.

    The scholarship amount is 3 minimum wage.

    The document was published in the National Database of Legislation in the state language and entered into force on 05.12.2023, Norma reports.