In the Bukhara region, a fine of 40 million soums was imposed on saxaul fellers

    Environment 19 November 2024 537

    An operational group consisting of employees of the State Environmental Supervision Inspectorate and territorial divisions of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change regularly conducts raid events.

    In particular, during the raid conducted in the Bukhara region, the fact of illegal logging of saxaul in the desert areas of the Romitan and Alat districts was revealed. In this regard, an administrative protocol has been drawn up in accordance with part 1 of Article 79 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    For violations detected on the territory of the Rakityansky district, two citizens were fined 18 million 750 thousand soums. Also, the damage caused to nature amounted to 6 million 195 thousand soums (a total of 24 million 945 thousand soums).

    Upon the fact of the offense revealed in the Alatsky district, a fine of 9 million 375 thousand soums was imposed on citizen M.A., as well as the damage caused by him amounted to 5 million 250 thousand soums (total 14 million 625 thousand soums).

    For information: similar raids continue in other regions of our republic.