President congratulates the people of Uzbekistan on Ramadan Hayit

    Uzbekistan 12 May 2021 10919

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev sincerely, wholeheartedly congratulated all Muslims of the country, all the people of Uzbekistan with Ramadan Hayit and expressed his best wishes.

    “I express my deep respect and best wishes to all of you on these blessed days, which are a symbol of humanity, charity, generosity and gratitude for our people. We are all witnessing how for more than a year our country, along with other countries of the world, has been overcoming the difficult challenges associated with the pandemic”, the President said.

    In such difficult conditions, the enduring values of Ramadan are especially important – kindness and care for others, comprehensive support for those who need help, and joint solution of many life problems, the Head of the state said.

    Our hardworking and noble people, devoted to their national traditions and customs, spent the holy month of Ramadan in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, mutual respect and harmony, and welcomes this wonderful holiday with great joy, which is filled with even deeper meaning.

    To cherish today's peaceful life, to strengthen the atmosphere of interethnic and inter-confessional tolerance, civil harmony, friendship and mutual respect that reigns in our society is a primary duty for each of us.

    The President also sincerely congratulated people of the Muslim countries of near and far abroad, wished them peace, welfare and prosperity.