The Earth Hour campaign will be held in Uzbekistan on March 25

    Events 25 March 2024 4232

    In support of the action, electricity will be cut off in government institutions of Uzbekistan for an hour.

    Earth Hour is a global annual international event created by the World Wildlife Fund. It consists in the fact that at the appointed time it is necessary to turn off the lights and other electrical appliances for one hour.

    The initiative first appeared in 2007 in Australia and is now part of a global movement aimed at drawing attention to the problem of climate change and the need to conserve natural resources.

    Earth Hour is the most massive public environmental action on the planet. Every year, 190 countries and more than 2 billion people take part in it, the illumination of more than 18,000 architectural monuments goes out.

    The main purpose of the campaign is not only to remind about the importance of caring for nature, but also to stimulate public consciousness towards a more responsible attitude towards the environment.

    Of course, an hour-long blackout will not lead to radical changes in the environmental situation on Earth. However, saving electricity is an important step towards reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere and reducing the negative impact on the environment.

    Such actions remind people of the need to take care of natural resources and can inspire them to make more environmentally responsible decisions in everyday life.