The delegation of the Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan got acquainted with the advanced electoral technologies of the USA

    Elections 5 March 2024 6544

    As previously reported, the delegation of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan headed by the Chairman of the Central Election Commission Z. Nizamkhodjayev is on a visit to the State of California, USA, in order to familiarize himself with the process of preparing and monitoring the voting process in the US presidential primaries.

    During the visit, a presentation of modern digital solutions used in Los Angeles County for voting and counting was held for international observers, as well as a round table was organized where participants were able to share their accumulated experience in introducing modern information and communication technologies into the electoral process. In addition, important technological solutions used in the electoral systems of many countries were considered.

    International observers were also able to familiarize themselves with the activities of the newly commissioned Los Angeles County Bulletin Processing Center. Los Angeles County Secretary Dean Logan and employees of his office informed international observers about the activities of the Center, the need and stages of its creation.

    The main task of the Center is to receive ballots, including those sent by mail, sort and scan them for counting votes, ensure public access to the process of counting ballots, promptly inform about the preliminary results of counting, ensure the safety and security of ballots. According to California law, the counting of ballots is carried out centrally in each district.

    The bulletin processing center covers an area of about 13.4 thousand m2 and is divided into several zones providing reception, sorting, preparation and scanning of delivered ballots. Increased security measures have been taken in the building. At the same time, public access is provided to monitor the counting process both in the building and online.

    International observers got acquainted with each stage of the processing of ballots, with the work of the staff of the Center.

    Within the framework of the visit program, a conversation was held between the Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Uzbekistan Z. Nizamkhodjkayeva with Los Angeles County Secretary Dean Logan.

    In Los Angeles County, during these primaries, out of 6.5 million citizens who have the right to vote, 5.7 million registered to participate in the elections. Los Angeles County is the most populous county in the United States with the largest number of voters. About 10 thousand personnel are involved in organizing these elections.

    The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.