Cards under protection: in Uzbekistan, they will ensure the security of payment systems

    Digitalization 23 May 2024 1452

    By Order of the Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 05/21/2024 No. 3513, the Regulation on ensuring Information security and Cybersecurity in payment systems of payment system operators and payment service providers and taking measures to prevent offenses committed using digital technologies was approved.

    Presidential Decree No. PP-381 dated 11/30/2023 defines measures to strengthen consumer protection of digital products (services) and combat offenses committed through digital technologies.

    The approved Regulation defines:

    • payment information protection mechanism;
    • measures to ensure confidentiality of payment information and protection of personal data;
    • tasks of the Information Security and Cybersecurity Service;
    • powers of information systems employees;
    • the procedure for protecting information networks from attacks and monitoring information systems and resources, identifying incidents related to violations of information security and cybersecurity requirements;
    • measures to respond to information security and cybersecurity violations;
    • information security and cybersecurity requirements for payment system operators;
    • tasks of the action service against suspicious fraudulent transactions in banking and payment systems, etc.

    The document has been published in the National Database of Legislation in the state language and will enter into force on 08/23/2024, Norma reports.