Disease prevention measures discussed

    Uzbekistan 12 December 2022 6639

    On 12 December, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting on the development of phthisiology and pulmonology, AIDS prevention.

    By a resolution of the Head of the state of February 13, 2019, measures were approved to improve the system for providing phthisiatric and pulmonological care. Their implementation has yielded tangible results: the total number of patients has decreased by 2,000, new cases have decreased by 10 percent, and deaths by 17 percent.

    However, against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, in recent years, the number of patients with lung diseases in the dispensary in the country has increased by 18 percent.

    Despite the need in the regions for 5 types of high-tech surgical care for patients with tuberculosis, such services are fully established only in the cities of Tashkent and Nukus.

    Unfortunately, there is also an increase in infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. This is especially relevant for the city of Tashkent, Andijan and Samarkand regions.

    In this regard, at the meeting with the participation of specialists, the next measures in these two areas were discussed.

    The President instructed to organize a “Healthy Lungs” mobile brigade next year and screen children in remote areas.

    The need for expanding the scope of molecular genetic diagnosis of the infection that causes tuberculosis and the detection and preventive treatment of patients with latent tuberculosis was noted.

    Hokims of the regions were instructed to repair and equip phthisiatric sanatoriums, organize bacteriological laboratories in the regions.

    The Ministry of Health has been tasked with establishing a free drug supply for tuberculosis patients. For these purposes, 40 billion UZS will be allocated from the state budget.

    Measures have also been identified to expand HIV testing, reaching over 3 million people. HIV-infected people will be provided with 22 types of antiviral drugs free of charge.

    Responsible persons were assigned to the issues of supplying regional centers and inter-district AIDS laboratories, equipping them with modern medical equipment.

    The importance of improving primary healthcare workers' skills in HIV infection, strengthening explanatory work among the population about this disease and its consequences was emphasized.

    The task was set to develop, taking into account these instructions, draft policy documents for improving the services of phthisiology, pulmonology and AIDS prevention.