Patrons assist in preserving cultural heritage

    Education 15 September 2020 1295

    Art and Culture Development Foundation under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan presents a project for reconstruction of the Republican Children's Library.

    Main goals of the project, along with the support and development of children's creativity, are to support culture and art, preserve cultural heritage sites. The work has become possible thanks to patrons’ assistance.

    Art and Culture Development Foundation regularly organizes and supports events in modern and traditional art, literature, theater, music and choreography. The Foundation expands international cultural ties, develops patronage in the country, as well as promotes cultural potential of Uzbekistan in the world.

    The library will have a co-working center for children of different ages, laboratories and a mobile hall for lectures and master classes, and a studio for digital classes.

    The library will use STREAM technology. This will serve to prepare a new generation of highly specialized professionals. The complex is scheduled to be commissioned by March 2021.