MPE plans to create a National Freelancers Center

    Generation Z 1 June 2020 1030

    The Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan has developed a draft law aimed at improving the working conditions of freelancers.

    The project provides for the creation of the National Freelancers Center, the residents of which will be able to enjoy new benefits and preferences, inform UzA.
    The goals, procedure and criteria for registering freelancers as residents of the National Freelancers Center were set out in the draft resolution of the President of the country on measures to support the export of services via the Internet, presented for discussion on the portal on discussing draft normative-legal acts
    The draft law states that 20 billion UZS are needed to create the National Freelancers Center. It is planned to organize training courses at the center. An opportunity will be provided to learn web development and design, develop mobile applications.
    Residents of the center will be issued temporary labor certificates with the crediting of seniority and provided assistance in employment. They will be able to accept payments in foreign currency without paying a bank commission and provide their services based on a public offer.
    The draft law outlines the criteria that freelancers who wish to become residents of the center must meet. In particular, they should provide their services via the Internet, not have registration as an individual entrepreneur, and not use the services of hired employees.