People's reception rooms are an effective way to solve problems

    In focus 1 May 2024 986

    The People's Reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Chirchik summed up the results of the first quarter of 2024. During the current period, the reception received 3188 applications from 2010 citizens, which is 4% less than in the same period of 2023. The main reasons for the appeals are dissatisfaction with court decisions, unpaid alimony on time, unsatisfactory work of management companies, road problems and the communal sphere.

    The head of the People's Reception in Chirchik, Abdullah Isaev, told in more detail.

    - Compared to the first quarter of last year, the number of appeals related to judicial proceedings, providing heat and hot water to the population, and issuing bank loans has increased markedly.

    182 repeated appeals from citizens were taken under special control, 23 of them were sent to the BPI at the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 21 to the Ministry of Energy, 16 each to the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor General's Office. 8 of these appeals were sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health, 7 repeated appeals were sent to the Central Bank and the Ministry of Defense and other departments. Also, 49 of the repeated appeals were sent to the power grid, the BPI and the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction.

    Unfortunately, some urban organizations do not work with repeated appeals: 123 compatriots applied three times, 14 citizens - 15 times, five citizens left 20 appeals, two - more than 25 times, one Uzbek applied 50 times! A working group has been set up for each case, whose task is to study and eliminate problems.

    In order to solve problems on the ground, the People's Reception organized 78 field receptions of sector leaders, during which 300 appeals were received. Of these, 55.5% were resolved positively.

    At the initiative of the khokim, all appeals received by the People's Reception are immediately taken under control, and responsible organizations are involved in the decision. It is particularly worth noting that most of the appeals are related to the road system and the work of management companies.

    Special attention should be paid to the problem of removing household waste and keeping the city clean. Alas, not all citizens follow the basic rules of handling household waste and throw them away in the wrong places. In turn, this leads to a huge burden on the landscaping staff. I would really like my compatriots to actively participate in hasharah and maintain order in their native Chirchik.

    Maxim Gulakhmedov was talking.

    The leader of the group of bloggers "Umid kanotlari".