AI is being used to combat raccoon infestations in Japan

    The original anti-raccoon campaign took place in Japan, OTR reports. To protect against predators, experts suggested using neural networks.

    It is expected that artificial intelligence will process frames from street cameras. When the system notices that animals are approaching populated areas, it will immediately transmit data to the government, police and hunters so that they can take the necessary measures.

    Raccoons have multiplied greatly in the Land of the Rising Sun recently. Their number in the capital and its environs alone has increased almost fivefold over the past 10 years: in 2021, 259 animals were caught in Tokyo, in 2022 - 1282. Because of the animals, crops and property of the population are suffering. As stated in the report, the amount of damage over the past year alone is equal to $2.8 million.

    Moreover, it is worth noting that until the mid-20th century there were no raccoons in Japan. They began to be imported in the 70s of the last century due to the enormous popularity of the anime series “A Raccoon Named Rascal” at that time. Then the difficult pets were thrown out or they ran away on their own. Once in the wild, the animals quickly adapted to the environment and began to actively reproduce.