Uzbekistan’s rich historical and cultural heritage made a significant impression on the guests from Korea

    Uzbekistan 15 June 2024 1812

    Following the state visit to Uzbekistan, the President of the Republic of Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol, accompanied by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, got acquainted with the historical monuments of Samarkand.

    In the ancient city, the heads of state and their spouses visited the world-famous Registan ensemble, the country’s hallmark, reflecting our ancestors’ creative potential. The majestic madrassahs of Mirzo Ulugbek, Sherdor, and Tillaqori, with their scale and unique architecture, can impress everyone.

    The distinguished guests, with sincere delight, got acquainted with each monument of Registan and the products of national handicrafts presented here. They were told about the history of the construction and architecture of the madrassah, the symbolism of the ornaments, and the meaning of the inscriptions.

    During the visit to the Amir Temur Mausoleum, the Korean delegation was informed about our great ancestor’s state-building policy, military talent, and diplomatic relations with various countries.

    The history of Sahibkiran’s life and work and the most significant state he created made a huge impression on the guests.

    Then, the Presidents and their spouses visited the Afrasiab Museum.

    The museum tells the story of the three-thousand-year history of Samarkand. The unique exhibits and wall paintings stored here attract the attention of tourists from all over the world, including from South Korea.

    One of the paintings, dating back to the 7th century, depicts the ceremony of receiving foreign ambassadors by the ruler of Samarkand, including envoys of the ancient Korean state of Goguryeo. This testifies to the centuries-old history of exchanges between our peoples.

    The museum’s restoration, which involved Korean specialists, was recently completed. During this time, significant work was carried out to update its internal and external appearance.

    The President of South Korea examined the exhibits with particular interest and noted that the friendly ties between our peoples go back deep into the past. The leaders agreed to develop bilateral cooperation further to preserve cultural heritage.

    Then, the distinguished guests visited the Mirzo Ulugbek Observatory and the Museum.

    The beloved grandson of Amir Temur, the great scientist-astronomer and ruler Muhammad Taragay Mirzo Ulugbek, made a considerable contribution to the development of science and culture. He built an observatory unique to the Middle Ages, where he studied celestial bodies with exceptionally high accuracy. His “New Astronomical Tables of Kuragoni” was an essential guide to astronomical science for many years.

    The last point of the excursion was the Historical and Ethnographic Park “Eternal City” in the International Tourist Center “Great Silk Road”, where the guests were shown our people’s unique artistic, folk-applied, and musical culture.

    The intense meeting of the heads of state in Samarkand took place in a sincere and friendly atmosphere.