The parties discussed practical aspects of enhancing full-scale cooperation with this authoritative international financial institution.
It was noted with particular satisfaction that the Bank’s investments in Uzbekistan exceeded 5 billion euros. Regarding this indicator, Uzbekistan is the EBRD’s largest partner in the region.
With the Bank’s active participation, privatization measures are being implemented in the banking sector, and the regulatory framework in investment and subsoil use is being improved.
The President of Uzbekistan paid particular attention to improving the quality of preparation and effectiveness of projects.
The focus is on implementing and further developing the Partnership Strategy between Uzbekistan and the EBRD. New projects and programs in energy efficiency, the development of small and medium-sized businesses, women’s and youth entrepreneurship, the implementation of PPP mechanisms in the social sector and infrastructure, and the development of green cities were identified as priorities for interaction.
Views were exchanged on the issue of preparing and holding the next meeting of the Foreign Investors Council next year.