Russia is the main foreign trade partner of Uzbekistan by the end of 2022

    Business 25 January 2023 2131

    According to the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan's foreign trade turnover in 2022 reached $50 billion, an increase of $7.8 billion or 18.6% compared to the previous year.

    Exports for the year increased by 15.9% to 19.3 billion, and imports - up to 30.67 billion dollars (+20.4%), the official telegram channel of the Trade Representation of Russia in Uzbekistan reports.

    According to the results of the previous year, Russia became the main trading partner of Uzbekistan - the mutual trade turnover between the two countries amounted to about $ 9.2 billion, an increase of 22.9% compared to 2021.

    The priority direction of export of Uzbek goods and services by the end of 2022 was the Russian market. At the same time, Uzbekistan has increased supplies to our country by 47% at once.

    In particular, Russia remains the main consumer of Uzbek textiles, where products totaling $ 1.2 billion have been sent.

    Russia with an indicator of $ 6.2 billion. It is also among the key suppliers of goods and services to Uzbekistan.