The number of kindergartens increased by 3 times in 4 years

    Uzbekistan 29 December 2020 372

    The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev addresses the Oliy Majlis.

    The key points of the outgoing year are being outlined and summed up.

    “The level of coverage of children with preschool education increased by 2 times in 4 years and reached 60 percent. And the number of kindergartens increased by 3 times and exceeded 14 thousand”, the Head of the state said.

    The parameters of admission to higher education institutions increased by 2.5 times compared to 2016. The level of coverage of our youth with higher education reached from 9 to 25 percent. About a thousand girls from families in need were first admitted to higher education institutions based on special state grants.
