A presentation on primary healthcare and the insurance system was held

    On September 4, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation of measures to improve the primary healthcare system and introduce health insurance mechanisms.

    Primary healthcare plays a crucial role in strengthening the population’s health and early detection and treatment of diseases. Therefore, the Head of state emphasized the need for a phased implementation of reforms in this area, with a deep study of the requests and needs of people, especially residents of remote areas.

    Another reform in the healthcare sector is state health insurance. Specific work has already begun in this direction, and preparations have been made.

    The state health insurance system is proposed to be introduced on October 1 this year in Tashkent city and Syrdarya region and on January 1, 2025, in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

    For this purpose, the “Electronic Polyclinic” and “Electronic Hospital” information systems will be introduced by the end of 2024. Medical workers will be trained in their use, and the institutions will be equipped with the necessary network equipment.

    This system is important because it will use results-based financing methods in medicine. The provision of medical services and medicines under insurance will be carried out at the expense of the state budget, and no additional fees will be charged to the population.

    The state health insurance system will be implemented in other regions by the end of 2026.