Scientists have found that the transferred Covid-19 provokes thyroid diseases

    Healthcare 31 May 2024 1300

    Experts studying the effects of coronavirus infection on human health said that the disease affects the work of another vital organ - the thyroid gland.

    Scientists and doctors from all over the world continue to study the effects of Covid-19 on the body. The survey showed that, faced with the disease, 57% of those who have been ill experience health problems, about 50% complain of respiratory complications, 15% - cognitive, 24% - mental disorders, reports

    So, it is already known that coronavirus infection affects the functioning of the heart, lungs, central nervous system and even vision.

    According to the latest data from scientists, with the prolonged presence of the SARS-CoV-2 antigen in the eyes, various dangerous diseases occur. For example, mice infected with the virus developed retinal microaneurysms, arterial occlusion, and rupture of ocular vessels.

    Now scientists have said they have found evidence of the effect of coronavirus on the thyroid gland.

    The discovery was made by Russian scientists. In particular, in the course of studying the consequences of the pandemic, the Vernadsky KFU found that SARS-CoV-2 has the same molecules as in the thyroid gland.

    According to the head of the laboratory, Evgenia Zyablitskaya, after infection with coronavirus, the human immune system, which targets the virus, begins to stimulate the thyroid gland with cells or immune complexes. As a result, a reaction is triggered due to increased hormone production.

    Most often, this causes thyrotoxicosis and toxic adenoma. In this case, the disease can develop both in a short time after infection with coronavirus, and after several years. Not only women who are more prone to hormonal disorders are at risk, but also men.