Uzbekistan strengthens cooperation with the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia

    International cooperation 1 March 2024 1361

    Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Tanzila Narbayeva received Kakha Imnadze, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia.

    The current state of Uzbekistan's cooperation with the UN and its specialized agencies, including the Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, was discussed, and jointly implemented plans were considered.

    It should be noted that cooperation with the Center covers such issues as ensuring peace and security, combating terrorism, using the potential of women and youth to strengthen peace, conflict prevention and resolution, as well as the joint and rational use of transboundary water and energy resources.

    During the meeting, it was emphasized that Uzbekistan, within the framework of the United Nations, puts forward initiatives that are supported by the international community and are a practical contribution to ensuring stability and sustainable development, protection of human rights.

    It was noted that various platforms for dialogue and cooperation at the regional level, including the Dialogue of Women Leaders of Central Asian countries, which in just 3 years has become a timely platform for developing relevant proposals in ensuring gender equality. Here we stopped at the active participation of the Center.

    From this point of view, in order to implement new effective measures within the framework of the Dialogue, it was proposed to consider opening a permanent functioning Secretariat of the Dialogue in Tashkent.

    Also, during the conversation, special attention was paid to issues related to the realization of the potential of youth, who make up half of the population of our country. In particular, an exchange of views took place on establishing effective cooperation in this area with the Center for Improving the Knowledge of members of the Youth Parliament at the Senate on modern methods and tools of preventive diplomacy.

    Kakha Imnadze noted that the relations between the countries of the Central Asian region serve to ensure peace, stability and growth in all aspects, and in this regard stressed the special contribution of Uzbekistan.

    At the end of the meeting, an agreement was reached on the further development of close and constructive cooperation on a number of topical issues of a regional nature.