Topical issues related to the reproductive health of the population were discussed in Samarkand with the participation of international experts

    Healthcare 22 September 2023 1763

    A scientific and practical conference on the topic "Reproductive health of Uzbekistan: achievements and plans for the future" has started its work in Samarkand. The event, organized by the Ministry of Health together with the Republican Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology, is attended by domestic specialists, as well as 350 scientists and experts from Germany, Great Britain, France, Turkey, Switzerland, Russia, Israel, China, South Korea, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

    As noted at the event, special attention is currently being paid in our country to improving the quality and expanding the range of medical services provided to women of reproductive age and pregnant women.

    In particular, the relevant Presidential decree of September 8 of this year filled the reforms in this direction with new content.

    According to the decree, in order to strengthen the reproductive health of the population, protect the health of mothers and children, as well as create an effective management system of medical institutions, it is planned to create a Republican specialized scientific and practical medical Center for Mother and Child Health and its 14 regional branches.

    - In accordance with this document, an improved system of medical prevention and patronage of maternal health will also be introduced, - says Natalia Nadirkhanova, Director of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MD. - It is worth saying that at present our center is making great progress in this direction due to the widespread introduction of advanced methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention into practice.

    At the event, along with achievements, tasks for the future were also discussed, including:

    • Results of the introduction of effective perinatal technologies in Uzbekistan: results and prospects;
    • Modern picture of somatic diseases and pregnancy;
    • Assessment of acute problems of clinical obstetrics through the prism of scientific evidence;
    • Anesthesiological manual and critical situations;
    • Prenatal screening and fetal medicine: current opportunities and expectations;
    • Modern neonatology: achievements, problems and ways to solve them.

    In addition, an exchange of views took place on the development of unified standard approaches in the field of obstetrics and gynecology that meet modern requirements, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

    According to the press service of the Ministry of Health, the conference will continue its work tomorrow.