A geoinformation database of objects of the state cadastre for rare plants and animals has been formed in Uzbekistan

    Environment 29 May 2024 1329

    On May 28, the Information and Mass Communications Agency (IMC) held a briefing with the participation of the head of the Information service of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change, Lola Rakhmanbayeva.

    The briefing was devoted to the implementation of information and communication technologies and cadastral management in the system of the Ministry of Ecology.

    It should be noted that the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change and its departments are systematically working on the development of digital infrastructure. In particular, in order to prevent garbage dumping in the wrong places, about 200 modern video cameras have been installed throughout the country, and constant monitoring has been established in the Ministry's "Situation Center".

    In order to ensure wide coverage of environmental issues and increase the ecological culture of the population, the Ecological Portal information system has been launched gov.uz/eco / - the Ministry's website. In order to control newly planted trees and shrubs and prevent their illegal logging, a unified electronic information system "Yashil Makon" - yashilmakon.eco has been created.

    In addition, in order to further improve the efficiency of work in the field of ecology, special interdepartmental integrated platforms have been developed. In particular, the system has been implemented with the help of modern technologies ekopay.uz to collect mandatory payments for household waste. The system of electronic receipt of documents and issuance of conclusions of the state environmental expertise has also been launched - eco-service.uz. A unified geoinformation database of the state environmental monitoring system has been created gis.uznature.uz. The system is integrated with the relevant ministries and departments.

    In order to manage waste, monitor illegal installations in protected natural areas, in water protection zones, on forest lands, a platform has been created in cooperation with the Uzbekcosmos Agency gis.uzspace.uz. In addition, for the efficiency and transparency of the Ministry's activities, to increase the effectiveness of electronic interaction with the population, business entities, 10 types of public services are provided through the Unified Portal of Interactive Public Services (EPIGU).

    Currently, the Ministry of Ecology, together with the relevant ministries and departments, is working on the state cadaster of flora and fauna, protected natural areas, waste disposal sites. A unified classifier has been developed for accounting, monitoring and cadaster of objects of the animal and plant world and for use in creating a database.

    The geoportal "Biodiversity Management Information System" has been created - bcims.uznature.uz. The unified system of state cadasters is integrated with the map geoportal.geoportal.uz. To create a database in this direction, experts were provided with modern drones. Relevant information from these special platforms is constantly published on the open data portal.

    A geoinformation database of objects of the state cadaster has been created for 591 plant species belonging to endangered medicinal, nutritious, technical, ornamental plants, natural pastures and hayfields. The geoinformation databases of the objects of the state cadaster contain 250 species of animals, 430 objects of protected natural territories, 411 objects of waste disposal sites.

    In order to provide further high-quality services in the field of ecology, the following is planned:

    · to fully launch the activities of the "Situation Center";

    · launch a unified monitoring system for maintaining a unified geoinformation database, assessment and forecasting of the environmental situation in the republic;

    · to implement 8 information systems for digitalization of existing areas of the Ministry;

    · in order to develop e-government, simplify the public services provided by the Ministry to the public;

    · to increase the knowledge and skills in the IT field of more than 1000 employees working in the system. At the same time, 20 employees will be trained on international educational platforms.