Grains of legumes and oilseeds will be certified in Uzbekistan

    Agriculture 16 April 2024 1903

    Resolution No. 201 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 04/15/2024 approved the Regulation on the procedure for voluntary certification of seeds of cereals, legumes and oilseeds intended for export and harvested for consumer purposes.

    A certificate (Certificate for the export of sprouts or seeds intended for the production of sprouts for human consumption) is issued for the export of sprouts or seeds intended for the production of food products.

    The voluntary certification procedure applies to seeds that are not prohibited from export from the customs territory of Uzbekistan.

    Seed certification is carried out by the Agency for Quarantine and Plant Protection under the Ministry of Agriculture.

    The Regulation also provides for the following procedures:

    • cultivation, cleaning, disinfection of seeds and conditions for their certification;
    • submitting and reviewing an application through the Agency's automated system;
    • maintaining a register of issued certificates.

    The document was published in the National Database of Legislation in the state language and entered into force on 04/15/2024, Norma reports.