April 15 - Environmental Knowledge Day

    Environment 15 April 2024 1087

    Today, on April 15, Environmental Knowledge Day is celebrated in many countries of the world. The holiday dates back to 1992, when at the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro, the great importance of environmental education of the population of all countries of the world in the implementation of the strategy for the sustainable development of mankind was emphasized.

    Environmental education has been identified as one of the priority areas in Uzbekistan. To this end, the Central Asian University for the Study of the Environment and Climate Change (Green University) has been established in the country, and a number of measures are being taken to improve environmental culture among the population, especially among the younger generation.

    It is important to note that the Day of Environmental Knowledge is of great importance not only for those who are engaged in environmental education and enlightenment, but also for all residents of our country.

    Today's formation of an ecological culture is the key to preserving the health of future generations!