Andijan State Medical Institute Clinic to be renovated

    Uzbekistan 29 September 2021 9518

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the clinic of Andijan State Medical Institute.

    The hospital was built in 1975. Since then, only current repairs have been carried out in the institution. More than 90 thousand people apply for medical care here every year. The hospital receives more than 30 thousand people a year. Students of Andijan State Medical Institute also practice here.

    The hospital has long since exhausted its resource. The buildings need repair.

    The Head of the state got acquainted with the situation in the hospital and instructed to completely reconstruct the clinic and create a medical center of regional significance on its basis capable of performing complex operations in cardiology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology and urology.

    The President talked with doctors.

    “We need first of all to strengthen public health and improve living conditions to elevate the dignity of a person, to ensure his vital interests. This institute and its clinic can become an important center in this regard. We will create all the necessary conditions for this. It is necessary to update the teaching methodology, introduce advanced practices used in world medicine.

    Here, the Head of the state was informed about the ongoing work on the development of Andijan region’s healthcare system. Responsible persons were instructed to conduct a medical examination of the population based on the experience of Shakhrikhan district, to introduce new methods of treatment.