The delegation of Uzbekistan held a meeting in Washington with leading American companies

    Business 23 December 2024 2235

    On December 20 of this year, as part of the visit of a delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Jamshid Khodjaev to the United States, a round table was held with representatives of major American business circles, which was attended by Deputy Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade Akram Aliyev.

    The event brought together the heads of more than 40 companies, such as Cove Capital LLC, City, Bridge Capital Group, Creative Associates, FL Smith, Dōterra, Creative Associates, FL Smith, Dōterra, CalCity Industrial Park LLC, Crown Iron Works, Edward Austin, Nobel-Systems, North Coast Communications, Komatsu, JP Morgan, The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association and other large corporations. The meeting was also attended by the leadership of the Uzbek-American Chamber of Commerce, experts from the White House Administration and the US Department of Commerce.

    Business representatives enthusiastically welcomed the successful conclusion of negotiations with the United States on Uzbekistan's membership in the World Trade Organization and noted that this process would further strengthen the country's international economic ties.

    In turn, the heads of American companies were presented with the dynamics of the development of the strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and the United States, the comprehensive opportunities created for foreign investors in Uzbekistan, as well as new joint project initiatives. The participants highly appreciated the results of the reforms and the potential of Uzbekistan, in particular, in the mining industry, IT and telecommunications, agriculture, mechanical engineering and the agro-industrial complex.

    The event was held in an interactive format: the prospects for cooperation were discussed in detail with the head of each company, both during the round table and in the subsequent negotiations in the G2B format. The business community was assured of the full readiness of the Government of Uzbekistan to provide comprehensive assistance in the successful implementation of the discussed projects.

    Following the results of the round table, the parties supported plans to strengthen cooperation and agreed to jointly develop an action plan for next year.