An educational and practical lesson has been organized for the members of the district commissions for the early elections of the President of Uzbekistan

    Elections 23 May 2023 1265

    On May 22 of this year, at the initiative of the Central Election Commission, on the basis of the Concept of organizing advanced training of members of the commissions for early elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a training and practical lesson on the main tasks of district election commissions in preparation for elections and their conduct was organized for members of district commissions.

    The training session organized by members of the Central Election Commission, a group of experts consisting of professors and teachers of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Law University and the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies was attended by 42 members consisting of the chairman, deputy chairman and secretary of the district commissions for the presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    The purpose of the training sessions is to improve the qualifications of members of district election commissions on the main tasks during the preparation for the elections and their conduct, the organization of electoral processes, in accordance with generally recognized international electoral standards and the requirements of the Electoral Code.

    The training seminar considered the constitutional and legal foundations of the organization and conduct of the presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the resolutions of the Central Election Commission, the specifics of the election calendar, the tasks facing the district election commissions in the formation of the list of voters and working with these lists, the organization of early voting, as well as topics such as preparation for the voting day, interaction of the district election commission with the participants of the electoral process, the procedure for financing the activities of precinct election commissions and determining the results of voting in the electoral district.

    In addition, practical classes were held on the selection of buildings for electoral districts and polling stations for the presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan, requirements for the equipment of voting facilities.

    At the end of the training session, consisting of theoretical and practical parts, the participants were awarded certificates.

    The press service of the Central Election Commission.