The export of apricots of the new crop has begun from Surkhandarya region

    Agriculture 5 May 2022 1828

    About ten days ago, shipments for export of the first batches of fresh apricots of the new crop began from the Termez district of Surkhandarya region.

    According to the administration of the Surkhandarya region, the agricultural enterprise "SPN Humo agro", whose plantations are located in the Termez district, has already shipped several dozen tons of fresh apricots of early varieties of the new crop to foreign markets.

    "Termez district is located in the very south of Uzbekistan, thanks to the climate, vegetables and fruits ripen much earlier here than in other regions of the country. Therefore, it is in this region that our company has created apricot plantations of early varieties on 58 hectares and peach plantations on 30 hectares. In the current season, we plan to collect about 270-300 tons of apricots and send them for export," Nurbek Alikulov, director of SPN Humo Agro, said in an interview with the press service of the regional administration. This is a company with foreign capital, the founders of which are investors from Turkey.

    According to EastFruit experts, the total area of the orchards of the company "SPN Humo agro" is 106.3 hectares. Of these, 58 hectares were planted with early apricot varieties, seedlings of which were brought from Turkey, Italy and Greece.

    According to preliminary data of the Customs Committee, over the past ten days Uzbekistan has exported over 200 tons of fresh apricots.