President gets acquainted with chemical industry projects

    Uzbekistan 21 September 2022 7218

    On 21 September, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation of the main indicators and projects that are planned to be implemented in the chemical industry.

    The range of products and the profitability of enterprises have increased as a result of reforms in the chemical industry. More than 1 million tons of mineral fertilizers were produced in 8 months of the current year. Exports nearly doubled and reached $330 million.

    An important stimulus for growth was the increase in investor confidence and the inflow of capital into the industry. In particular, the private sector is implementing 15 projects worth $2 billion in the chemical industry, 5 of which have recently been put into operation.

    At the same time, a lot of work remains to be carried out to turn the sphere into an industry that manufactures products with high added value. It is necessary to provide enterprises with raw materials, carry out their technological re-equipment, create chemical clusters, and expand production.

    During the presentation, information was provided on the work carried out in this direction and the expected results by the end of the year.

    The Head of the state outlined further tasks in this sphere.

    As is known, 4 chemical clusters are being created with a full production cycle “from raw materials to finished products” based on large enterprises in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Fergana, Navoi and Tashkent regions. Currently, 14 projects worth $1.8 billion are under implementation. 29 more projects worth $5.6 billion are planned to be implemented.

    The President noted that to effectively launch the activities of these clusters, it is necessary to create a project office, divide vacant plots into lots, and attract investors.

    Instructions were given on the introduction of advanced experience and modern technologies at chemical enterprises, as well as the privatization of the state share in them.

    It was emphasized that in the current difficult situation in the world, it is important to uninterruptedly provide agriculture with mineral fertilizers.

    Another direction demanded by the market is household chemicals. Currently, most of the domestic demand for such products is provided by imports. Raw materials and quality improvement are needed to strengthen the capacity of local producers. In this regard, the task was set to create broad conditions for the private sector in household chemicals, provide manufacturers with raw materials and attract international brands.