“This year, Navruz is being celebrated during the blessed month of Ramadan, in harmony with its sacred values, which gives the holiday a special and deeper meaning. On these auspicious days, as our hearts are filled with joy, we once again extend our congratulations to the Muslims of our country and the entire Islamic ummah on the holy month of Ramadan and wish for the fulfillment of good hopes and aspirations”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
The Head of state also extended warm greetings to compatriots living abroad, who keep a deep love for their homeland in their hearts.
It was emphasized that Navruz is a great holiday that has held a special place throughout the three-thousand-year history of our statehood due to its unique spiritual value. Its unmatched beauty, humanism, and deep philosophy inspire admiration around the world, even in the context of globalization, which attests to its timeless essence and life-affirming power.
The creative spirit inherent in Navruz aligns with the essence and noble goals of the large-scale reforms and rapid transformations in New Uzbekistan. The country is confidently strengthening the principles of justice, improving living standards and incomes, and upholding human dignity and honor.
Across the nation, modern industrial complexes, infrastructure and logistics facilities, new housing, and institutions – from kindergartens and schools to universities, hospitals, and cultural and sports facilities – are being built. Cities and villages are becoming increasingly well-developed and comfortable.
As part of the nationwide project “Yashil Makon” (Green Space), a new ecological environment is being shaped throughout the country. The State Program “Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy” is expanding the scope of these efforts.
The President also touched on youth policy, emphasizing that young people are becoming the leading and creative force of the New Uzbekistan. He highlighted the achievements of talented, educated, and energetic young men and women contributing to the country’s growing international standing.
“My dear sons and daughters, the time has come to fully realize your potential for our Motherland’s prosperity. Work tirelessly and direct all your energy toward turning the great opportunities of our country into real, tangible results! Remember that behind you stands a great nation of nearly 38 million people. And I, as President, will do everything to ensure that each of you secures a worthy place in life”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
A special festive atmosphere is felt during the public celebrations in the mahallas. The mahalla system is playing an increasingly active role in raising youth, ensuring stability, reducing poverty, developing entrepreneurship, providing social protection, strengthening the role of women, protecting the environment, and improving living conditions.
Taking the opportunity, the President warmly congratulated all employees of the mahalla system on their professional holiday – Mahalla Workers’ Day, celebrated on March 22.
Navruz has become a beloved holiday for all nationalities and ethnic groups in our country, symbolizing interethnic unity and harmony. In this regard, the President addressed the entire nation:
“Our strength lies in unity and solidarity, our power – in love and devotion to the Motherland, our success – in confidence in our capabilities!”
Thanks to its universal human essence, Navruz has been recognized as an international holiday by the United Nations. This shared value unites the peoples of the East, including the countries of Central Asia. In this context, the upcoming trilateral meeting of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan leaders, which will take place in ancient Khujand at the end of March, will mark another practical step toward good neighborliness and unity.
The President extended Navruz greetings to foreign ambassadors and representatives of international organizations participating in the celebration and conveyed warm wishes of friendship to their nations.
The festivities continued with a grand concert featuring not only Uzbekistan performers but also well-known artists from Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Türkiye, and Tajikistan.
The New Uzbekistan Park was transformed for the holiday. The grounds were decorated with colorful flowers and flags. Exhibitions by national cultural centers showcased the spirit of harmony and the country’s rich cultural diversity.
The President viewed these exhibitions and performances by folk and ethnographic ensembles.
Festive celebrations continue across the country. Farmers are sowing the seeds of future abundance and prosperity for our people’s tables. In mahallas, active improvement and charitable events are being carried out.