Some hotels in Karakalpakstan will receive subsidies

    Business 21 May 2024 1172

    Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 287 dated 05/16/2024 "On measures for the development of hotel services and the creation of favorable conditions in the Republic of Karakalpakstan" was adopted.

    The document approved the Regulation on the procedure for allocating subsidies to hotels that are becoming three-star hotels.

    The subsidy is allocated only after the hotel in the territory of Karakalpakstan receives a 3-star category, which previously did not have a star category.

    The amount of the subsidy is 20 million soums for each hotel room.

    To receive a subsidy, you must contact the State Institution or through the EPIGU.

    Within 10 working days from the date of the decision on the payment of subsidies, the funds are transferred to the settlement account of the business entity.

    After receiving the subsidy, the business entity must provide hotel services and maintain the star rating of the hotel for at least 5 years. Otherwise, the business entity is obliged to return the amount of subsidies received (the amount of funds returned depends on the duration of the activity).

    The document was published in the National Database of Legislation and entered into force on 05/20/2024, Norma reports.