Prospects of cooperation between the parliaments of Uzbekistan and Korea were discussed

    International cooperation 19 September 2023 1344

    As previously reported, the delegation headed by the Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis is on a working visit to the Republic of Korea. During the visit, Tanzila Narbayeva held talks with the Speaker of the National Assembly, Kim Jin Pyo.

    Issues of further strengthening of friendship relations and special strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and South Korea, expansion of trade, economic, investment, cultural and humanitarian, especially inter-parliamentary ties were discussed.

    It was noted with satisfaction that inter-parliamentary cooperation has been effectively established, practical agreements have been reached within the framework of mutual visits of parliamentary leaders, and the dialogue of friendship groups has been intensified.

    They exchanged views on expanding interregional cooperation between Uzbekistan and Korea, establishing close contacts between regional deputies through the adoption of a joint program of local Gyeongashes with specific activities.

    Korea is one of Uzbekistan's leading trade and economic partners in the Asia-Pacific region. Based on this, the development of trade and economic relations is a priority. The trade turnover has doubled in the last 5 years. In 2022, the trade turnover increased by 23.3% and amounted to $ 2.34 billion. It was noted that there are great opportunities to increase this figure to $5 billion by 2025.

    In particular, focusing on specific goals, it was noted the need to strengthen cooperation in the implementation of a number of joint projects, including providing manufacturing enterprises with appropriate infrastructure, the development of rare metals, as well as the construction of high-speed highways.

    The parties also focused on cultural and humanitarian ties, put forward proposals to enrich joint programs in the field of education and training with practical content.

    Based on the proximity of the positions of our countries, an agreement was reached to support each other within the framework of international and regional organizations, including UN institutions and other structures, to raise bilateral relations to a new level in priority and promising areas of multilateral cooperation.