Uzbekistan and Russian leaders discuss the practical implementation of high-level agreements

    Uzbekistan 21 February 2024 2915

    On February 21, as part of the working visit to Kazan city, a meeting was held between the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

    The President of Uzbekistan sincerely congratulated the President of Russia on hosting the First International Games of the Future, combining traditional and e-sports.

    Current issues on the bilateral agenda were discussed, including the practical implementation of agreements reached at the highest level in Moscow on October 5-7 last year.

    The two countries’ leaders noted with satisfaction the consistent strengthening of comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance between Uzbekistan and Russia.

    The fruitful results of the meetings of the intergovernmental commission, interregional, educational, and medical forums, and several other business and cultural events held in 2023 were highly appreciated.

    Positive dynamics in trade turnover continue. Projects in industry, energy, transport, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and other sectors are in the active phase of implementation.

    Particular attention was paid to stimulating cooperative ties between regions.

    Industrial technology parks “Khimgrad” operate successfully in Tashkent and Jizzakh regions. New innovative parks “Alabuga” and “Master” are being created in Bukhara and Navoi regions.

    The heads of state discussed the joint development of effective transport corridors and deepening cooperation in railway transport.

    Views were exchanged on the regional agenda, and the schedule of the upcoming international events was reviewed.