President to Address the Oliy Majlis on December 29

    Uzbekistan 28 December 2020 44355

    The Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Oliy Majlis is the most important socio-political event in the country. Traditional since 2017, the event helps to outline key points of the outgoing year and sum it up, as well as determine the goals and objectives for the new year. Therefore, Uzbekistan people are looking forward to this event with great interest.

    The Address of the President to the national parliament will take place on December 29. Shavkat Mirziyoyev is expected to focus on the results achieved this year, the activities carried out within the framework of the State Program “Year of Science, Enlightenment and the Digital Economy Development”. A title for the next year will be proposed, along with critical tasks for the advancement of the country, priorities of domestic and foreign policy.

    The head of the state is anticipated to put forward a range of important proposals.

    The representative event due at the International Congress Center in the capital will be attended by deputies of the Legislative Chamber and members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, heads of public organizations, and representatives of the wider public.

    The Address will be aired live on 15 TV channels, as well as online the official website of the President of Uzbekistan and on the official pages of the Presidential Press Service on social networks.