Several companies will start producing cars in Uzbekistan

    Industry 7 January 2021 1655

    In Uzbekistan, several companies are planning to establish car production. This is stated in the investment program for 2021- 2023, approved by the presidential decree of December 28.

    The Navoi-Motors company plans to establish in the Karmaninsky district the production of pickups, mini-trucks, minivans, SUVs and electric vehicles, as well as tractors in cooperation with the Austrian company Parsalpine Management Gmbн (project cost – $ 12 million).

    The Manas Avto-sanoat company plans to produce trucks in the Turakurgan region in cooperation with the Turkish company Manas Savunma AS (the project cost is $ 8 million).

    Namangan Shangan Motors plans to manufacture and assemble passenger cars in partnership with a UAE company.ADM-Jizzakh plans to launch production of LADA, Kia and Renault cars.

    The foreign partner of the company is the Eximbank of Korea.Auto Motors Asia is preparing to master the production of crossovers, trucks and minibuses in cooperation with Chinese partners China Dong Feng Motor Industry and Hebei Changan Automile.

    Abbos-Eco Agro plans to establish the production of passenger cars, minivans and mini-trucks in cooperation with a Chinese company.

    Hyundai Motor Uz Namangan plans to produce commercial trucks per year in the Namangan region together with Hyundai Motors and Evergreen Motors (Korea).