Sheep and goat wool shawl are popular in Russia

    Business 15 May 2020 336

    Namangan region’s Tepakurgan village is popular for knitting shawls from sheep and goat wool.

    Photo by Khotam Mamadaliyev, UzA
    If all women in Chust district can embroider skullcaps, then in the village of Tepakurgan you will not find a family that does not know how to knit. More than 1200 home-based workers are employed in knitting shawls in the village.
    Khokim of the region H. Bozorov visited the house of family entrepreneurs N. Akhmedova and T. Kamolov. Training here takes place on the basis of “Master – apprentice” principle. Finished products are exported to Russia.
    A home-based cooperative is created in Tepakurgan to increase labor efficiency. A system of supply of raw materials and the sale of finished products are being established.
    Akromjon Sattarov.