Tasks have been identified to increase energy efficiency in industries and regions, to prepare for the autumn/winter season thoroughly

    Uzbekistan 10 June 2024 1377

    On June 10, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting on measures to increase the efficiency of energy resource use and ensure the sustainable operation of energy facilities in the sector during the autumn/winter period.

    Development and ensuring the stable functioning of the energy industry, development of new energy sources, and increase in generating capacity are priority areas of state policy. At the same time, high system results are impossible without rational use of energy resources and ensuring energy efficiency in industries and regions, both in the social and economic spheres.

    At the meeting, special attention was paid to these issues.

    Last year, district programs to save electricity and gas were adopted. Thanks to solar collectors installed in homes and social facilities, 20 million kilowatts of electricity were saved. Industrial enterprises are also introducing green energy technologies.

    However, work is progressing slowly in some regions, and energy-saving targets are not being fully met.

    It was emphasized that strict energy efficiency requirements must be introduced when designing new social facilities and that technical specifications for energy efficiency must be developed for administrative buildings, apartment buildings, enterprises, retail, and service buildings.

    It was instructed to prepare 1,000 social facilities for the autumn/winter season. In particular, 251 hospitals, 292 kindergartens, 393 schools, and boarding schools will be renovated.

    The President noted that the plans of industry leaders and hokims to save electricity and gas are insufficient. They must set higher goals.

    Each hokim was instructed to select one district and make it exemplary in saving electricity and gas. It was emphasized that this year, it is important to save 750 million kilowatts of electricity and 550 million cubic meters of gas in these areas.

    “Savings should be achieved by reducing losses and introducing energy-saving technologies”, the Head of state said.

    At the meeting, it was decided to introduce a new system for assessing energy efficiency in industries and areas based on best practices.

    Thus, large consumers who consume at least 4 million kilowatts of electricity or 375 thousand cubic meters of gas yearly will undergo an energy audit every three years. The Energy Inspectorate will publish a list of large consumers annually, and enterprises that have not passed the audit will be supplied with gas and electricity at increased tariffs.

    Responsible persons have been instructed to develop technical regulations and regulatory documents related to the new system by the end of the year.

    The number of electric vehicles in the country has increased tenfold over the past three years and reached 35 thousand. Electric vehicle production is being established in Jizzakh.

    In this regard, it was noted that new charging capacities must be considered when developing the electric power system.

    A night tariff will be introduced to encourage the charging of electric vehicles at home. Residents who install metered chargers will be given a reduced rate for charging at night.

    It will also be possible to install charging stations with up to 22 kilowatts on the streets and around apartment buildings and up to 7 kilowatts in houses. Charging stations will be installed in parking lots of government agencies, shopping centers, hotels, and resorts.

    About 39 thousand apartment buildings in the country are serviced by 819 management companies. Thanks to tax breaks, preferential loans, and the freezing of old debts, they are gradually returning. For example, if 133 management companies were in the heavy category a year ago, now there are no such companies. As a result, since the beginning of the year, 2.1 thousand apartment buildings have been renovated, and about a million trees and flowers have been planted.

    At the meeting, it was noted that not everyone is satisfied with the quality of house management. Many management companies limit themselves only to street cleaning, minor repairs, and cleaning, but the main tasks, such as landscaping the area around houses, maintaining roofs, internal communications, and irrigation networks in good condition, remain unattended.

    Recently, a minimum tariff for management company services was established. Now, the quality of management and operation must correspond to this level.

    It was noted that management companies should become a bridge between residents and public services. From now on, if problems arise in houses that are less than two years old, that is, within the warranty period, the management companies and the contractor will be responsible for eliminating them.

    It was noted that there are cases of illegal changes being made to apartment building seismic structures. The population complains about subsidence, cracks, the appearance of efflorescence, and the quality of new apartment buildings.

    Competent organizations were instructed to establish strict control over contractors’ fulfillment of their obligations regarding the safety of homes and the quality of infrastructure and to introduce a system for early detection of illegal changes to the structure.

    The district previously developed a training program based on a study of the real state of preparation for the autumn/winter season in each mahalla. In addition to the 14 trillion UZS allocated last year, 14 trillion UZS were decided to allocate for its implementation.

    Since the beginning of the year, 250 emergency outages have occurred in the regions, resulting in unstable electricity supply to consumers in some places. In addition, the electrical panels and wires in some apartment buildings have expired.

    The responsible departments have been instructed to eliminate these shortcomings completely. The task has been set to start work on the most difficult mahallas and improve 30,000 kilometers of networks and 10,000 transformers by the end of the year.

    Issues of strengthening the energy resource base were also discussed at the meeting.

    This year, using all generation sources, it is planned to launch power plants with a capacity of 4 gigawatts. In addition, a significant overhaul of 850 kilometers of main networks and 9 substations and the construction of 595 kilometers of electrical networks and 4 new substations are planned.

    This year, the need to increase coal production was noted to ensure the stable operation of thermal power plants and meet the needs of the population and the social sphere. In addition, fuel oil and coal will be exempt from customs duties for two years, and revolving loans will be provided for coal imports for three years.

    In October-December, 163,000 tons of liquefied gas will be supplied to consumers. In addition, regional hokims were instructed to create reserves of coal, liquefied gas, and basic foodstuffs for more than 300 remote mahallas.

    To provide the population with heat and drinking water in the autumn/winter, tasks have been set to improve the operation of boiler houses, boilers, and heating networks and repair water supply networks and pumps.

    At the meeting, reports from industry and regional leaders were heard.