Israel solemnly celebrated the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Uzbekistan

    International cooperation 27 February 2023 1622

    A solemn event dedicated to the Community of Bukhara Jews and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and Israel was held in the Israeli Parliament - Knesset.

    The event is organized by the World Congress of Bukhara Jews, headed by its President Lev Levayev. It was attended by Speaker of the Knesset Amir Ohana, members of Parliament, members of the Government and prominent public figures of Israel, as well as representatives of the communities of Bukharian Jews of foreign countries.

    In the speeches of the participants, the historical role of the Bukhara Jewish community in the development of the State of Israel was noted, in particular in the preservation and dissemination of the cultural heritage of the Jewish people, the Dunyo news agency reports.

    Special attention was paid to a significant date in the history of bilateral relations between Uzbekistan and Israel - the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. The Israeli side expressed words of high respect and sincere gratitude for the hospitality and cordiality, valiant assistance of the Uzbek people to Jewish families over many centuries of interaction and peaceful coexistence on the territory of modern Uzbekistan.

    Representatives of the community of Bukharian Jews from Uzbekistan took part in the work of the 23rd Congress of the World Congress of Bukharian Jews held on February 23 this year at the invitation of the Congress. Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, in his welcoming speech as the guest of honor, stressed that Israel attaches great importance to bilateral relations with one of the friendliest countries - Uzbekistan. He expressed special gratitude to Uzbekistan for the respectful and cordial attitude towards the Jewish people, generosity and assistance to Jewish families during the Second World War. According to him, an important mission is to bring this noble example of the Uzbek people to the international community.

    We should add that the World Congress of Bukhara Jews was established in 2000. Among the main areas of activity of the congress are assistance in preserving and spreading the traditions and cultural and historical heritage of Bukhara Jews, support for the activities of the synagogues of the community, provision of targeted social assistance.

    Currently, according to various estimates, there are about 250-300 thousand Bukharian Jews living in the world, 200 thousand of them in Israel, 70 thousand in the USA.