The World Bank will launch two new projects in Uzbekistan in the field of higher and vocational education

    Education 14 February 2024 2228

    On February 13, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Kongratbai Sharipov received a delegation headed by World Bank Regional Director Michal Rutkovski.

    The meeting was attended by the head of the World Bank Representative Office in Uzbekistan Marco Mantovanelli, First Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation K. Karimov, Deputy Minister Sh. Turdikulova, as well as other officials.

    The parties discussed the issue of attracting foreign investments to increase the effectiveness of reforms in the system of higher and vocational education and further improve the quality of education in educational institutions. Two new projects developed by the World Bank were discussed - "Transformation of higher education: ensuring effective management and quality of education" for 2025-2029 and "Vocational education for Economic Change" for 2025-2029.

    It should be noted that with the cooperation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the World Bank, complex projects are being implemented in various fields. In particular, in 2017-2022, with the participation of the International Development Association of the World Bank, the project "Strengthening the material and technical base of higher educational institutions" was successfully implemented.

    Within the framework of this project, 40 universities were equipped with 112 educational laboratory kits worth 17.6 million US dollars and 86 universities with information and communication equipment worth 2.3 million US dollars. At the same time, within the framework of the project in 2019-2021, teachers, students and researchers of universities have access to 9.08 thousand online books and 704.3 thousand online journals in the electronic database of the Elsevier company. An information management system for higher education ("HEMIS") has been created, which is now integrated into the educational process of all state universities.

    The project "Modernization of the national innovation system of Uzbekistan" worth 50.0 million US dollars for 2021-2026 is also being successfully implemented.