In the Republic of Karakalpakstan, about 10 family guest houses were opened in one day

    Tourism 9 September 2020 2750

    For the further development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, as well as the development of domestic tourism, guesthouses were opened.

    A working group consisting of representatives of the State Committee for the Development of Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the local local administration, the regional center of State services, the regional tax inspection visited "Guldursin" and "Sakhtiyon" of the Ellikkala region and Temir Zhol Guzar of the Chimbay region. The owners of the guest houses were registered as entrepreneurs of family guest houses, and the guest houses were entered in the unified register.

    A working group consisting of representatives of the State Committee for the Development of Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the local khokimiyat, the regional center of public services and the regional tax inspection visited the «Guldursin» and «Sakhtiyon» SGMs of the Ellikkala region and «Temir Zhol Guzar» of the Chimbay region. The working group registered 10 owners of guest houses as individual entrepreneurs, and family guest houses were entered into a single register. The entrepreneurs were awarded the appropriate certificates.

    The owners of family guest houses living in these microdistricts will be able to legally receive tourists. The opening of family guest houses will serve the employment of the local population and the development of domestic tourism.

    It should be noted that this work is designed to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 5781 of August 13, 2019 "On measures for the further development of the tourism industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of August 7, 2018 No. 631 "On the organization of family guest houses" is the result of work the State Committee for Tourism Development.