June 5 - World Environment Day

    Environment 5 June 2024 932

    Today, on June 5, one of the most significant environmental dates is celebrated - World Environment Day. This year's holiday is dedicated to the restoration of lands, ending the process of desertification and increasing drought resistance under the slogan "Our land. Our future. We are the #Generation of Restoration."

    Uzbekistan pays great attention to these issues. Programs are being actively implemented to restore degraded lands and prevent desertification. Within the framework of national projects, landscaping is being carried out, forests are being restored and new parks are being created. Volunteers and activists from different regions of the country take part in tree planting and cleaning of territories, contributing to the conservation of biodiversity and improving the quality of the environment.

    "On this day, we want to congratulate everyone who contributes to the preservation and restoration of our nature. Your efforts and dedication are the key to creating a sustainable and healthy future for all of us. May your work bear fruit, and our planet becomes greener and more prosperous every year," the Ministry of Ecology said in a statement.