Hokim of Bukhara region approved

    Uzbekistan 22 January 2021 7448

    Bukhara hosts an out-of-schedule meeting of the Regional Council of People's Deputies.

    An organizational issue was considered at the meeting. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed the candidacy of Botir Komilovich Zaripov, Acting Hokim of this region since November 2020, for the post of Hokim of the region.

    “It is not an easy task to manage the region, to mobilize people. Zaripov himself understands this. I have experienced him in various positions, and you have also known him as an Acting Hokim for the past three months. This is a person who was born in Bukhara, he knows the conditions of the region well. The most important thing is that he loves Bukhara people”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

    Botir Zaripov was born in 1969 in Gijduvan district. He worked in various positions in the banking sector. In 2016-2020, he managed the national construction materials industry.

    Deputies and aksakals supported his candidacy.

    According to the results of the vote, Botir Zaripov was approved for the post of Hokim of Bukhara region.

    “It is an honor to be the leader of this sacred land of Bukhara, its great people. Let this trust always serve as a reminder to you. Days, years pass quickly. I will be happy if Bukhara people say after a while that a good leader was assigned to their region”, the President said.

    It was reported about the appointment of Nozimjon Kholmurodov for the post of the First Deputy Hokim of the region, working as the Deputy Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade, Mahmud Istamov for the post of the Prosecutor of Bukhara region – former Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Farhod Umarov for the post of Hokim of Vobkent district.

    The meeting continues.