The Senate Committee supported the issue of ratification of important international documents

    In focus 26 September 2024 285

    On September 25 of this year, a preliminary discussion of important laws took place at a meeting of the Senate Committee on International Relations, Foreign Economic Relations, Foreign Investment and Tourism.

    The meeting was attended by senators, representatives of responsible ministries and departments, chairmen of the standing committees of local councils, members of the expert group, as well as media workers.

    The meeting considered the Law "On Ratification of the International Labour Organization Convention No. 132 on Paid Leave (revised in 1970) (Geneva, June 24, 1970)".

    This international document has been ratified by 38 States.

    The Convention provides for issues such as strengthening measures to ensure the rights of employees in labor relations, including the right to use rest and paid vacations.

    The ratification of the Convention provides ample opportunities for further development of cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the International Labour Organization, as well as further improvement of national legislation, effective implementation of international standards to ensure the rights of workers to use rest and paid holidays.

    In addition, it serves to enhance the positive image of Uzbekistan in relations with international and regional organizations and strengthen integration into the World Trade Organization.

    At the meeting, the senators also considered the Law "On ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the People's Republic of China on mutual Protection of Classified Information (Xi'an, May 18, 2023)."

    It was noted that the Agreement reflects issues related to the mutual provision by the parties of the protection of classified information transmitted (received) in any form, as well as those formed in the process of bilateral cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the People's Republic of China.

    The ratification of the Agreement will allow the development of mutually beneficial political, military, economic, scientific, technical and other cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People's Republic of China.

    It also serves as a legal basis for the mutual protection of classified information transmitted (received) and generated in any form during bilateral cooperation by the Government of the Parties.

    The Committee took appropriate decisions on the issues discussed within the framework of the agenda.