Shavkat Mirziyoyev visits a textile enterprise of a large cluster

    Uzbekistan 21 January 2021 7881

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has become acquainted with the activities of Bukhara Cotton Textile enterprise.

    BCT Cluster in Bukhara region is organized under the resolution of the President of May 19, 2017.

    The cluster has mastered all the technological processes from cotton harvesting to its deep processing. The cultivation of cotton on 8 thousand hectares in Romitan district has been established, then fiber is spun at the enterprises of the cluster, yarn is dyed, fabrics and ready-made clothes are produced.

    Bukhara Cotton Textile is the last link in this chain. More than $65 million has been invested in its establishment.

    Another important aspect is that the enterprise is organized based on an abandoned textile factory. One old building has been completely reconstructed and 19 new blocks and structures have been erected. Advanced technological lines, equipment, and machine tools from Germany, the United States, Belgium, and France are installed.

    The President got acquainted with the technological process at the enterprise, as well as the product quality.

    “In terms of denim, we can compete with the leading countries in this sphere. Because we have our own land, water, and cotton. We have many young people ready to work. There is an opportunity to reduce the cost. If the quality is at the international level, the products will definitely find their place in the world”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

    The textile enterprise employs 1.5 thousand people, and in general, the cluster provided 6 thousand people with jobs.

    Bukhara Cotton Textile will initially produce 8,450 tons of yarn. At the next stage, the production of 15 million running meters of the denim will be established. In the third and fourth stages, it will be used to produce finished products with added value.

    The enterprise has its own brand “B Jeans”. It produces an average of 12.5 million pairs of classic denim and stretch denim pants annually. The number of customers for these products is growing. In 2020, the stores of the enterprise were opened in Bukhara, Tashkent, Samarkand, and Namangan. In the future, it is planned to open 50 such centers across the country.

    The economic effect can be expressed by the fact that if on the world market cotton fiber costs $1.5 per kilogram, then the finished product from it will cost at least $25.

    The main goal is to gain a foothold in foreign markets. In 2020, products worth $8.2 million were exported. But these are the first steps. With the support of the embassies of Uzbekistan, it is planned to open retail outlets in foreign countries. According to preliminary estimates, this will make it possible to receive on average $50-60 million in foreign exchange earnings per year.

    Denim fabrics produced by Bukhara Cotton Textile have an advantage in the domestic and foreign markets due to their natural color. The seeds of Indigofera, which is grown on 80 hectares, were brought from abroad for the production of paint.

    The President noted the need for expanding the assortment, producing clothes in cooperation with world-famous brands.

    A presentation of investment projects that will be implemented in Bukhara region in 2021-2022, as well as plans to ensure youth employment, was held.

    “If you work among people, listen to the problems of each person, then control their solution and, finally, remove barriers – the situation will change dramatically. This should become the main task of the Agency for Youth Affairs”, the President stressed.

    Measures of vocational guidance of young people, entrepreneurship training, assistance to their business and handicraft activities, and increasing employment were discussed.